Now Shopping: Vintage Accessories
Large Vintage Gold Tone Snowflake Brooch | Vintage Gold Tone Textured Snowflake Pin | Snowflake Brooch Pin | Snowflake Vintage Brooch | 875
Vintage Gold Tone Bow Brooch | Vintage Gold Tone Bow Brooch | Vintage Abstract Brooch | Gold Tone Abstract Bow Brooch | Bow Brooch | 864
Vintage Gold Tone Textured Leaf Brooch | Vintage Gold Tone Leaf Brooch | Modernist Leaf Brooch Pin | Vintage Brushed Leaf Brooch | 874
Vintage Gold Tone Wire Brooch | Vintage Gold Tone Wire Abstract Pin | Abstract Gold Wire Brooch Pin | Vintage Wire Modernist Brooch | 882
Vintage Gold Tone Damascene Brooch | Vintage Gold Tone Leaf Brooch with Faux Pearls | Leaf Brooch Pin | Vintage Damascene Brooch | 877
Vintage Silver Tone Chain Necklace with Round Filigree Pendant | Vintage 3 Strand Chain Necklace | 14 Inch Adjustable Necklace | 887
Vintage Faux Pearl and Bead Necklace | Vintage Silver Tone Necklace | 18 Inch Silver Tone Pearl Necklace | 18” Adjustable Necklace | 881
Vintage Faux Pearl and Crystal Necklace | Vintage Gold Tone Necklace | 23 Inch Gold Tone Pearl Necklace | 23” Pearl Crystal Necklace | 884
Vintage Chain Necklace with Bead Decorations | Vintage Gold Tone Chain Necklace with Charms | 38 Inch Long Gold Tone Beaded Necklace | 359
Vintage 3 Strand Faux Pearl Necklace | Vintage Silver Tone Faux Pearl Necklace | 17 Inch Gold Tone Pearl Necklace | County Pearl Chain | 859
Vintage Gold Tone White Bead Necklace | Vintage White Beaded Necklace | Designer White Beaded Necklace | 20 Inch Bead Necklace | 886
Vintage Gold Tone Thistle and Tartan Brooch | Vintage Gold Tone Celtic Brooch Pendant with Crystals | Scottish Brooch | Thistle Pin | 889
Vintage Silver Tone Pink Brooch | Vintage Silver Tone Pink Flower Brooch | Flower Gunmetal Tone Brooch | Gunmetal Tone Flower Brooch | 890
Vintage 9 ct Rolled Gold Bangle | 1950’s Gold Bangle | Swirl Pattern Decorated Bangle Bracelet Hinged | Hinged Bangle | Bangle | 892
Vintage Gold Tone Filigree Butterfly Brooch | Vintage Filigree Butterfly Brooch | Vintage Butterfly Pin | Filigree Butterfly Pin | 891
Vintage Sterling Silver Curb Necklace with Sapphire Apple Pendant | 925 Silver 18 inch Necklace | Sterling Silver Chain | 898
Vintage Chain Venetian Bead Choker Necklace | Vintage Gold Tone Chain Venetian Bead Choker Necklace | 16 Inch Venetian Bead Choker | 357
Vintage Chain Necklace with Bead Decorations | Vintage Gold Tone Chain Necklace with Charms | 40 Inch Long Gold Tone Beaded Necklace | 356
Vintage Designer Clear Rhinestone Necklace | Vintage H Samuel Silver Tone Clear Crystal Chain Necklace | 16 Inch H Samuel Necklace | 858
Vintage Black Bead Necklace | Vintage Black Bead Necklace | Extra Long Beaded Necklace | 44 Inch Bead Necklace | 44” Bead Chain | 354